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IJAS-Indian Journal of African Studies

The Indian Journal of African Studies (IJAS) is a biannual official publication of the Department of African Studies, University of Delhi. The Department was established in December 1954 as the "School of African Studies" at the personal initiative of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and inaugurated by him on 6 August 1955.

The IJAS aims at critical analysis and wider understanding of the issues, goals and aspirations of the African people and countries. Contributions and book reviews, editorial and business correspondence may be sent to the Department of African Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Delhi, Delhi - 110007 (India).

Views expressed in the articles published in the IJAS are those of the authors' and are not to be attributed to the Department of African Studies, University of Delhi, or its Editorial Board, unless expressly so stated.


 Aim & Scope

The Indian Journal of African Studies (IAS) is being published since1992. It is a blind peer-reviewed Journal that publishes original work that contributes towards understanding of African issues and India and Africa relations. It is a multidisciplinary journal. The original research paper or review article may be submitted for consideration.


Review policy 

If the manuscript meets a required standard, then the Chief Editor in consultation with the editor/s will assign a reviewer. Both the author/s and the reviewer will remain anonymous. Based on the reviewer's report it will be decided whether to publish the article. Final acceptance and rejection of the article for the publication will rest with the Chief Editor in consultation with the editor/s.

In case of article being submitted by the editor/s or any member of the editorial committee, then a reviewer is assigned who has never collaborated with the author of the manuscript and the co-editor will be responsible for handling the manuscript submitted to ensure transparency in the blind peer-reviewing process.


Author's Guidelines

  • Manuscripts for publication has to be submitted only through email addressed to the Chief Editor.
  • The file format should be MS Word, Times New Roman font size 12 with double line spacing.
  • The word length of the article should be between 6000-8000 words.
  • A separate title page should include the name of the author/s, designation/s, institutional affiliation, postal address, contact number and e-mail address.
  • Manuscript should be in English.
  • Abstract should be about 250 words.
  • 5-6 keywords should be listed after the abstract.
  • Manuscript should neither be already published nor under consideration by any other publication.
  • Submit plagiarism report along with the submission. The similarity level should not be more than 10%
  • Follow APA citation style, seventh edition.
  • ORCID may be provided for all the authors.